Digital Auxilius (DAX)

SOS Alliance Partner

Our Take: How many sites do NOT look like they came out of a 1998 catalog? The unfortunate. In an age where enrollment and operations are the priority. sites unfortunately do not focus on the one component of their business that can actually matters - their online presence. Digital Auxilius wants to change this. With their scalable and customized services, they work with sites as partners to enhance their online brand, bring in more trials, and improve patient enrollment. From websites and advertising to general branding and awareness programs, DAX transforms your site from the siloed secret of the community to an integrated social network.

—> Visit Digital Auxilius (DAX) to learn more

How Digital Auxilius (DAX) is working to Save our Sites

Why we are excited about Digital Auxilius (DAX)

Online branding is a significant unmet need, and showing our sites how they can be their best online proves an opportunity to save millions of lives with enhanced enrollments and rapid trial awards. SOS is grateful for the talented services DAX offers our sites, and we look forward to the sites they may help.